Solid Legal Writing Skills for New Lawyers

Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT, Bar Center at 401, Suite 120 (first floor).

Featuring: Judge Ronald Prager (D-71 Superior Court of California, Civil), Judge Mitchell Dembin (United States Magistrate Judge, Southern District of California), Charles ‘Chuck’ Dick, Esq. (formerly of Baker McKenzie, solo litigator, consultant, and arbitrator), and Jeremy Robinson, Esq. (CaseyGerry, leader of dispositive motion practice and appeals). Presented by the New Lawyer Division and Diversity Fellowship Program of the San Diego County Bar Association.

With recent cuts to court funding, Judges handle more cases simultaneously than ever. As a result, legal writing must be efficient and unique to serve an attorney's individual interests. Learn how to write eye-catching, mind-changing legal briefs and motions that will most effectively serve your client's needs.

Topics to be discussed: What do judges want to read; Ordering your argument (primacy); How to be concise while remaining thorough; Developing style within complex advocacy; and Comparing and contrasting precedent. This CLE is worth 1.0 GEN

RSVP here.

This is a Brown Bag event. Registrations are due by noon on May 16, 2014 to avoid the late fee. By registering, you are agreeing not to record, photograph or otherwise capture any video or audio of this seminar. The SDCBA has the right to refuse registrations. Late registrants and walk-ins will incur a $5.00 late registration fee. Registration fees apply to the actual program being purchased and are not transferable to another seminar attendee or online program. Walk-ins will be accommodated as space allows. Registrations will be held until 15 minutes after the published seminar start time. The SDCBA certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE by the State Bar of California.

NLD President: Alanna Whittington; Program Co-Chairs: Jason Evans & Sarah Havens; DFP Director: Jeremy Evans.

Location: SDCBA - Bar Center at 401; 401 West A St., Ste. 120, San Diego, CA 92101.