Negotiation Skills for Lawyers

Negotiation Skills for Lawyers

Members only round-table event - Non CLE.

May 13, 2015 -5:00 PM -7:00 PM

SDCBA - Cityview Conference Room

401 W. A St., Ste. 1100

San Diego, CA 92101

Presented by the Presented by the Business & Corporate, Entertainment &Sports, Civil Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Real Property Law Sections of the San Diego County Bar Association

Featuring: Craig Barkacs and Linda Barkacs

Whether it's with clients, co-workers, colleagues, judges, or opposing counsel - just to name a few - lawyers are always negotiating. Given that this most critical legal skill is often the determining factor in whether you succeed or fail, what are you doing to make yourself a better negotiator? Join Craig and Linda Barkacs of The Barkacs Group for a highly experiential, stimulating, and fun seminar on negotiation skills. Remember that negotiating poorly costs you and your clients money - something you definitely want and need to avoid. Don't miss this chance to work on improving your most important legal skill!

Registration closed.